A Special Light, Alzheimer’s Symptom Reversal.
The normal functioning human brain utilizes around 20 percent of the energy produced by the body. Unfortunately, Alzheimer’s Disease results in a weakening of the brain’s neuronal network, thereby inhibiting the ability to communicate within the cortical network. It also weakens cellular metabolism that is critical to cell function survival. Consequently, the brain’s ability to repair itself and to regenerate is progressively diminished. The resulting destruction of neurons impairs memory followed by language, thinking and social abilities.
Additionally, a state of chronic inflammation takes place as the brain accumulates debris. Particular types of glial immune cells called microglia and astrocytes typically clears toxic material and waste from the healthy brain. In the Alzheimer’s condition, these cells fail to accomplish their function resulting in an accumulation of waste materials (What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease? n.d.).
Currently, there is no known effective treatment for the reversal of Alzheimer’s disease. It is estimated that there are currently around 5.8 million persons in the U.S. with the disease (Alzheimer’ s Disease Questions and Answers, n.d.). As noted in the Alzheimer’s Association webpage, “Although current medications cannot cure Alzheimer’s or stop it from progressing, they may help lessen symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion, for a limited time” (Medications for Memory, n.d.). This avenue of intervention continues to receive the brunt of research efforts with the hope for a breakthrough drug that is capable of actually reversing the progressive symptoms of the disease.
New areas of inquiry are exploring the evolutionary process as a possible means through which to alter the rather dismal effects that medications have achieved. We are aware that plants use light to produce energy through a process called photosynthesis. Through this activity, oxygen, as well as organic compounds that are rich in energy, are created. In plants, a cellular structure that is called chloroplasts contains chlorophyll that has been found to absorb red and blue light. It is through this means that plants derive energy through sunlight.
Is there an equivalent mechanism in animals to that found in plants? Indeed, in animals, a corresponding mechanism found in mitochondria which have been referred to as the energy factory of the cell. What if light could reach this energy-producing component? Might it be capable of altering the energy level in the cell? Early research suggests that this may be the case through the use of infrared light. Specific frequencies of infra-red light appear to be able to penetrate the skull and reach brain tissue to activate areas of damage.
Through the above intervention, a reversal of the course of the Alzheimer’s deteriorative process appears possible through the gradual diminishment of toxic proteins. Associated with the treatment process is the activation of microglia which are then able to attack amyloid plaque seen as the hallmark of the Alzheimer’s condition. The buildup of plaque/tau has been found to interfere with the normal function of the brain.
As published in a book called Photobiomodulation (Lindenfeld, Rozelle 2019), we applied the infra-red procedure with a combat-veteran who concurrently experienced traumatic brain injury (TBI). When his PTSD attained full remission, the veteran was provided with an intra-nasal, infra-red-light unit that he used twice daily over a three-month period of time. Upon completion of the trial, he was re-evaluated utilizing a brain map (qEEG) procedure. The results revealed a 66% improvement on a TBI Severity Index measure. Subjectively, the veteran reported recovery of his memory ability to a point where he no longer required caretaker assistance from his wife.
We are entering a new frontier of restorative possibilities through the use of light. Included in these recuperative prospects are Alzheimer’s and Traumatic Brain Injury. As provided in my earlier blogs, sound has also provided us with a transformative treatment option. Now a special light offers hope for the restoration of some cortical function among those with a deteriorative brain process. Combining these treatments will utilize the best of each to maximize the potential recovery of those afflicted through trauma or a degenerative cortical disorder.
Alzheimer’ s Disease Questions and Answers. (n.d.). https://dshs.texas.gov/alzheimers/qanda.shtm
Lindenfeld, G. L., Rozelle, G., (2019) Signature Wounds of War: A Case Study. In Photobiomodulation in the Brain—1st Edition, (pp. 503-514) Hamblin, M., Huang, Y. Y., (Eds.), Amsterdam, Elsevier.
Medications for Memory. (n.d.). Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. https://alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/treatments/medications-for-memory
Photobiomodulation in the Brain—1st Edition. (2019). https://www.elsevier.com/books/photobiomodulation-in-the-brain/hamblin/978-0-12-815305-5
What Happens to the Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease? (n.d.). National Institute on Aging. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/what-happens-brain-alzheimers-disease
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